code;level;classificationItemName; "'00'";2;"Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1"; "'01'";2;"Petty theft 28:3"; "'02'";2;"Embezzlement 28:4-6"; "'03'";2;"Fraud, insurance fraud, means of payment fraud 36:1-4, 37:8-11"; "'04'";2;"Tax and subsidy offences 29:1-8"; "'05'";2;"Robbery, extortion 31:1-4"; "'06'";2;"Criminal damage, Malicious damage to data 35:1-3, 34a:1/3"; "'07'";2;"Unauthorised use 28:7-9"; "'08'";2;"Receiving offence, money laundering 32:1-10"; "'09'";2;"Other offences against property 28:10-12, 36:5-7, 39:1-6, 46:1-12"; "'10'";2;"Manslaughter, Murder, Killing, Infanticide 21:1-4, 34a:1§1/2,6,7"; "'11'";2;"Aggravated assault, brawling 21:6,12"; "'12'";2;"Assault, petty assault 21:5,7"; "'15'";2;"Negligent homicide 21:8-9"; "'18'";2;"Negligent bodily injury 21:10-11"; "'19'";2;"Other offence against life and healt 12:6a,13-14, 22:1-6, 34a:1§1/2"; "'20'";2;"Sexual abuse of a child 20:6-7"; "'21'";2;"Rape, aggravated rape 20:1-2"; "'22'";2;"Other sexual offence 20:4-5, 8-9"; "'30'";2;"Resistance to a public official 16:1-2"; "'31'";2;"Obstruction of a public official 16:3"; "'32'";2;"False statement, giving false identifying information, providing false documents to a public authority 15:1-5, 16:5,8"; "'33'";2;"Other offences against public authority and perjury 15:6-11, 16:4, 6-7, 9-17, 17:1-22, 34a:1§1/2"; "'41'";2;"Weapons offences, offences endangering health and safety 41, 44 chapter"; "'50'";2;"Driving while intoxicated 23:3"; "'51'";2;"Driving while seriously intoxicated 23:4"; "'52'";2;"Other traffic intoxication 23:5-7"; "'53'";2;"Relinquishing a vehicle to an intoxicated person 23:8"; "'60'";2;"Criminal mischief, criminal traffic mischief 34:1-3, 34a:1§1/3,5"; "'61'";2;"Forgery, counterfeiting 33:1-5, 37:1-7"; "'62'";2;"Other 11-14,18,24,25,30,38,40,48a,49,51 luvut, 34:4-11, 34a:1§1/1,3-5, 34a:2-5"; "'65'";2;"Military offences 45 chapter"; "'66'";2;"Employment offences 47 chapter"; "'67'";2;"Environmental offences 48 chapter, 34a:1§1/4"; "'73'";2;"Alcohol Act 50a:4,6"; "'74'";2;"Narcotics offences 50 chapter"; "'76'";2;"Alcohol offences 50(a) chapter"; "'80'";2;"Causing a traffic hazard 23:1"; "'81'";2;"Causing a serious traffic hazard 23:2"; "'83'";2;"Road Traffic Act 103§, 105a§, Vehicles Act 96§, Driving Licences Act 93§, 94§"; "'84'";2;"Other traffic offences 23:9-11"; "'90'";2;"Security Stewards Act 26§, Assembly Act 26§"; "'91'";2;"Code of Judicial Procedure 17:36, Criminal Procedure Act 8:4-5"; "'93'";2;"Offences against other Acts and Decrees"; "'AA'";1;"A.Offences against property"; "'BB'";1;"B.Offence against life and healt"; "'CC'";1;"C.Sexual offence"; "'DD'";1;"D.Offences against public authority and perjury"; "'EE'";1;"E. Traffic offences"; "'FF'";1;"F.Other offences against the Penal Code"; "'GG'";1;"G. Offences against other Acts";